Indian electronics brand Noise has expanded its product lineup with the launch of its first-ever object tracker, the Noise Tag 1. With the increasing need for tracking lost belongings, this new device ensures universal compatibility, working seamlessly with both Android and iOS platforms. The Noise Tag 1 integrates with Google’s Find My Device network for Android users and Apple’s Find My Network for iOS, making it a versatile solution for users across both operating systems. The smart tag also features Google Fast Pair, enabling a quicker and smoother pairing process for Android smartphones.
Noise tag 1: Price and availability
The Noise Tag 1 is priced at Rs 1,499, offering an affordable yet practical solution for those prone to misplacing their belongings. It will be available for pre-booking on the company’s official website soon, with the official sale set to commence on January 28. Given its attractive price point and wide compatibility, the Noise Tag 1 is likely to garner significant attention from tech enthusiasts and everyday users alike.
Noise tag 1: Features and functionality
The Noise Tag 1 comes equipped with multiple modes to help locate lost items efficiently. One of the standout features is the Ring Mode, which triggers a loud 90dB sound to help users quickly find misplaced objects. Whether it’s keys, bags, or other everyday items, the tracker’s Ring Mode ensures that users can easily spot their belongings within earshot.
Another useful feature is the Lost Mode, which automatically sends notifications to the user’s smartphone if the tracker disconnects after a set duration. This mode provides an added layer of security, ensuring that users are always informed if they’ve left something behind.
The most notable feature, however, is the Network Mode. This mode leverages the power of Google’s Find My Device Network on Android and Apple’s Find My Network on iOS. Even if the Noise Tag 1 is out of the user’s immediate range, this feature allows the tracker to tap into a network of compatible devices, helping users locate their lost items through the collective efforts of nearby devices. This innovative network approach significantly enhances the tag’s functionality, offering a more efficient and wider-reaching tracking system than traditional Bluetooth trackers.
The Noise Tag 1 is designed with convenience and durability in mind. It comes with a replaceable battery, which offers up to one year of use. Additionally, the tracker is rated IPX4 for water resistance, meaning it can withstand splashes and light rain, making it suitable for everyday use.
Competition in the object tracker market
The launch of the Noise Tag 1 comes at a time when the market for object trackers is becoming increasingly competitive. Just last month, Reliance Jio launched its own object tracker, the JioTag Go, aimed at Android users. Priced similarly at Rs 1,499, the JioTag Go integrates with Google’s Find My Device network to help locate lost valuables, competing directly with the Noise Tag 1. As more companies enter the object tracker market, consumers are presented with a variety of options that cater to different needs and preferences.
Final thoughts
Noise’s entry into the object tracker market with the Tag 1 is a significant step for the brand, further diversifying its product offerings. With its universal compatibility across Android and iOS, combined with innovative features like the Network Mode, the Noise Tag 1 stands out as a practical and cost-effective solution for keeping track of everyday items. The device’s affordable price and long-lasting battery make it an attractive option for users who want peace of mind when it comes to locating their valuables.
As the sale date of January 28 approaches, tech enthusiasts and everyday consumers alike will be eager to see how the Noise Tag 1 performs in a market that is quickly becoming crowded with similar products. Whether you’re prone to losing keys, wallets, or bags, the Noise Tag 1 offers an accessible and efficient solution for finding your misplaced items.