In a shocking incident that has sparked outrage on social media, a woman from Mumbai posted a video of a man posing as a police officer who attempted to extort Rs 50,000 from her for allegedly using a vape. The incident, which unfolded in broad daylight, highlights the growing concern over safety and law enforcement’s integrity in the city.
The incident unfolds
According to the woman’s account, the man entered her auto-rickshaw on MIDC (Maharashtra Industrial Development Corporation) Road, claiming to be a police officer. He threatened her with arrest and demanded a hefty fine, warning her that he would take her to the Powai Chowki if she refused to comply. The woman, feeling that something was amiss, began recording the encounter on her phone.
In the video, she can be heard stating, “I’m currently on MIDC Road, and this man followed me and got into my auto-rickshaw. He’s forcibly trying to take me to Powai Chowki.” As she filmed, the man attempted to cover his face and even tried to break her phone, desperate to avoid being recorded. The situation escalated when the woman firmly stated, “You cannot take me anywhere without a female police officer present.” Faced with her resistance and the recording, the man quickly fled the scene.
Fake cop’s threats and actions
The woman further revealed in her video that the impersonator had stolen her vape and was using it himself while threatening her with legal action. She expressed her frustration, stating that he refused to provide any identification to substantiate his claims. This brazen attempt at extortion has raised alarms about the prevalence of fake cops operating in the area.
Social media reactions
The video quickly went viral, garnering significant attention from netizens. Many users expressed their outrage and called for swift action from the Mumbai police. Comments flooded in, with one user urging, “Mumbai police, please take action against this cop; it’s a matter of our police’s image and women’s safety in Mumbai.”
Others weighed in on the legal aspects of the situation, noting that there are no specific laws against using e-cigarettes in public spaces, as the legislation primarily focuses on the sale, manufacture, distribution, and transportation of such products. One social media user remarked, “There are no legal restrictions specifically preventing individuals from using e-cigarettes,” highlighting the absurdity of the fake cop’s claims.
Another user characterized the incident as a “New Mumbai Scam,” pointing to a disturbing trend where individuals impersonate law enforcement to exploit unsuspecting citizens.
Call for action
This incident has sparked a broader discussion about safety in Mumbai, particularly for women who may be vulnerable to such scams. It has prompted calls for increased vigilance and accountability among law enforcement officers to restore public trust.
In response to the viral video, many have urged the Mumbai police to investigate the matter thoroughly and take stringent action against individuals impersonating law enforcement. Ensuring the safety of citizens, especially women, is paramount, and the community is calling for measures to prevent such incidents from happening in the future.
The attempt by a fake police officer to extort money from a woman in Mumbai serves as a stark reminder of the challenges that citizens face in ensuring their safety and the integrity of law enforcement. As the video continues to circulate, it has sparked important conversations about public safety, the need for accountability among police officers, and the dangers of allowing impersonators to operate freely. The Mumbai police are under pressure to address this incident, restore public confidence, and ensure that such scams do not become a commonplace occurrence in the city.