The prestigious 52nd edition of the International Emmy Awards took place in New York, marking a milestone with Indian actor-comedian Vir Das as the host — a historic first for any Indian. The glamorous event was organised by the International Academy of Television Arts and Sciences (IATAS) and saw a vibrant display of global talent across 14 categories, including Best Drama Series, Comedy, Documentary, Performance by an Actor and Actress, and various others, celebrating the very best in international television.
This year, the awards were particularly special for India, with two remarkable achievements: the hosting duties carried out by Vir Das, who charmed audiences with his unique comedic flair, and the nomination of the Indian crime thriller The Night Manager for Best Drama Series. The awards ceremony was held at 3.30 am IST, where countries such as France, Japan, Argentina, the UK, and Germany dominated the major categories.
International Emmy awards 2024: Winners and nominations
Arts Programming
- Pianoforte (Poland) — WINNER
- Robbie Williams (United Kingdom)
- Virgilio (Argentina)
- Who I Am Life (Japan)
Best Performance by an Actor
- Timothy Spall for The Sixth Commandment (United Kingdom) — WINNER
- Julio Andrade for Betinho: No Fio da Navalha (Brazil)
- Haluk Bilginer for Sahsiyet Season 2 (Türkiye)
- Laurent Lafitte for Tapie (France)
Best Performance by an Actress
- Aokbab-Chutimon Chuengcharoensukying for Hunger (Thailand) — WINNER
- Adriana Barraza for El Último Vagón (Mexico)
- Sara Giraudeau for Tout va bien (France)
- Jessica Hynes for There She Goes (United Kingdom)
- División Palermo (Argentina) — WINNER
- Deadloch (Australia)
- Daily Dose of Sunshine (South Korea)
- HPI Season 3 (France)
- Otto Baxter: Not a F**ing Horror Story (United Kingdom) — WINNER
- L’affaire Bettencourt: Scandale chez la femme la plus riche du monde (France)
- The Exiles (Singapore)
- Transo (Brazil)
Drama Series
- Les Gouttes de Dieu (France) — WINNER
- The Newsreader Season 2 (Australia)
- The Night Manager (India)
- Iosi, El Espia Arrepentido Season 2 (Argentina)
Non-Scripted Entertainment
- Restaurant Misverstand (Belgium) — WINNER
- Die Brug (South Africa)
- Me Caigo De Risa (Mexico)
- The Summit (Australia)
Short-Form Series
- Punt de no Retorn (Spain) — WINNER
- Kweens of the Queer Underground (Australia)
- La Vida de Nosotras (Chile)
- Kenshiro ni Yoroshiku (Japan)
Sports Documentary
- Brawn: The Impossible Formula 1 Story (United Kingdom) — WINNER
- Tan Cercas de la Nubes (Mexico)
- Tour de France (France)
- WHO I AM Paralympic (Japan)
- La Promesa (Spain) — WINNER
- Rigo (Colombia)
- Safir (Türkiye)
- Salón de té La Moderna (Spain)
TV Movie / Mini-Series
- Liebes Kind (Germany) — WINNER
- Anderson Spider Silva (Brazil)
- Deaf Voice: A Sign-Language Interpreter in Court (Japan)
- The Sixth Commandment (United Kingdom)
Kids: Animation
- Tabby McTat (United Kingdom) — WINNER
- Acorda, Carlo! (Brazil)
- Mystery Lane (France)
- Sharkdog Season 3 (Singapore)
Kids: Factual
- La Vida Secreta de tu Mente (Mexico) — WINNER
- De Mensenbieb (Netherlands)
- My Life: Eva’s Having a Ball (United Kingdom)
- The Takalani Sesame Big Feelings Special (South Africa)
Kids: Live-Action
- En af Drengene (Denmark) — WINNER
- Dodger (United Kingdom)
- Escola De Quebrada (Brazil)
- Gong! My SpectRacular Life (Germany)
The event not only honoured the global television community’s finest but also highlighted the growing prominence of Indian entertainment on the world stage, with shows like The Night Manager making an impact. As the world celebrates these remarkable productions, the International Emmy Awards remain a benchmark for excellence in global television.