British actor reveals concerns over work prospects in the US amid political views
Renowned British actor Jason Isaacs has expressed uncertainty over whether his outspoken criticism of Donald Trump could impact his future career prospects in the United States. The 61-year-old star, known for his portrayal of Lucius Malfoy in the Harry Potter series, as well as his recent role in The White Lotus, revealed that he has been advised to erase his social media history due to his political views.
Speaking on The News Agents podcast, Isaacs explained that when applying for a work visa in the US, applicants are required to disclose their social media accounts. This, he fears, could leave him vulnerable to scrutiny. “I don’t know who’s poring over what,” he admitted. “I don’t know whether my clear dislike for the current president of America will affect me in future, whether I’m allowed to work there at all.”
Isaacs, who frequently speaks out on political and social issues, noted that in today’s entertainment industry, an actor’s online presence can have a significant influence on their career. “People’s social media profile is often, for younger people, incredibly relevant when it comes to financing things,” he said. “If you’ve got millions of followers, you’re far more likely to be cast in something.”
However, he acknowledged that actors with strong political opinions could find themselves on the wrong side of casting decisions. “If you’ve stuck your flag somewhere on a hill… it’s unquestionably true that if you have strong views, and it’s thought that you will alienate part of the audience, that might well strike you off a list somewhere,” he explained.
Advice to ‘wipe’ social media history
Isaacs also revealed that he recently received a stark warning from professionals in the tech industry about his online footprint. “I was with a bunch of tech supremos, people high up in the tech industry, who advised me to completely wipe my social media history,” he said. “People are doing that all over the world for fear that it will somehow pigeonhole them and that will be held against them.”
Despite the advice, the actor admitted he has not yet taken action. “Life is a tightrope walking between what I think is right in principle and pragmatically what I think will allow me to continue to do my job and support my children,” he said.
Isaacs also addressed the criticism often faced by actors who express political views. “People get very annoyed when actors speak out. I don’t quite know why,” he said. “If you speak about politics, they go, ‘You’re an actor, you should know your place.’”
His response to such criticism is sharp. “There’s a reality star in the White House, so that seems a little bit hypocritical,” he quipped, referring to Trump’s previous career in television before entering politics.
Navigating a ‘dangerous climate’
The actor acknowledged that the current political landscape has made it difficult for public figures to voice their opinions without facing backlash. “I’m aware of the current climate, and so are many of my friends,” he said. “There are certain causes that I believe strongly in, and I’m aware that all I would do is invite a tsunami of either bots or a campaign that would affect my career badly.”
Isaacs’ concerns reflect a wider trend in Hollywood, where the industry’s increasing reliance on social media engagement has led actors to consider how their online activity could influence casting decisions. While some performers leverage their platforms to promote social causes, others fear that aligning too closely with controversial issues could limit their opportunities.
Life on The White Lotus set
Beyond his political worries, Isaacs also spoke about his experience filming the highly anticipated third season of The White Lotus. The cast, he revealed, found the filming process in Thailand challenging due to the intense heat and long hours. “We all went slightly nuts,” he admitted, describing the shoot as being like Groundhog Day.
Earlier this month, the actor was drawn into a separate controversy when he addressed questions about whether he was wearing a prosthetic penis for his role in the show. Isaacs had previously criticised the double standards in such discussions, arguing that similar questions would not have been asked of female co-stars. However, he later sought to clarify his remarks. “I said the wrong words in the wrong way,” he told Variety, admitting that his phrasing may have been misinterpreted.
A future in Hollywood?
Despite his concerns, Isaacs remains a prominent figure in both British and international cinema, with a career spanning decades. However, as Hollywood continues to evolve, it remains to be seen whether his outspoken views will have any tangible impact on his ability to work in the United States.
For now, Isaacs appears to be carefully weighing his words, mindful of the delicate balance between personal beliefs and professional longevity. As the actor himself put it, “Life is a tightrope.”