Earlier this month, Bollywood actor Govinda suffered an accidental injury when his gun misfired, leading to a brief hospitalization. Following the incident, family and friends visited him to check on his condition, with one notable absence—his nephew, comedian Krushna Abhishek. While Krushna’s wife, Kashmera Shah, had visited Govinda in the hospital, Krushna himself was in Australia for a professional tour. However, it has now been revealed that upon returning to India, Krushna made a long-awaited visit to his uncle’s home, marking a significant moment in their strained relationship.
Krushna’s emotional reunion with Govinda
In a recent interview, Krushna opened up about his uncle’s recovery and their emotional reunion after a seven-year rift. He shared that he was deeply concerned when he first heard about the accident while on tour in Australia. “I almost cancelled my tour,” Krushna admitted. However, after speaking with hospital staff and his wife Kashmera, he was reassured that Govinda was stable and in good spirits.
Upon his return to India, Krushna immediately visited Govinda at his home—a place he had not set foot in for seven years. Reflecting on the experience, he said, “It felt like I had completed half a vanvaas (exile). Chi Chi mama is recovering well. I spent about an hour with him and even met Nammo (Govinda’s daughter, Tina Ahuja) after seven long years. It was such an emotional moment; I just hugged her.”
Rekindling the family bond
Krushna also spoke about the emotional aspect of their reunion, saying it felt as if no time had passed between them. “We laughed, joked, and reminisced about old times. It felt just like before,” he shared. He recalled the many years he had lived with Govinda and his wife, Sunita, and how their home had changed over the years. “Maine mama ko bola ki hall toh poora badal gaya hai (I told mama that the whole living room has changed).”
Krushna expressed his relief that the past was not brought up during their conversation, stating, “Ab sab issues resolve ho gaye hain, sab gile shikve door ho gaye hain (Now all the issues have been resolved, all the grudges have been forgotten). I’m glad there was no mention of the past, and that’s how families are. There can be misunderstandings, but nothing can keep us apart for long.”
Despite not being able to meet Govinda’s wife Sunita during the visit, Krushna admitted that he was nervous about facing her. “Honestly, I was a bit scared because I knew she would scold me,” he joked, adding, “Par aapse nasamjhi mein kuch galti ho jaaye toh badhon ki daant sunne ke liye bhi taiyyar rehna chahiye (But if you’ve made mistakes in misunderstanding, you should be ready to hear a scolding from your elders).”
Moving forward
When asked why it took seven years for him to reconnect with his uncle, Krushna reflected on the time lost. “I don’t know why it took so long. There were many things happening that prevented us from meeting, but I’m glad we’ve finally buried the hatchet and moved on.”
Since that first visit, Krushna has returned to Govinda’s home once more and reported that his uncle is doing much better. “He can move around the house with the help of crutches now. Ab toh jaata rahoonga aur mami se bhi mil loonga (Now I’ll keep visiting and will meet mami as well).” Krushna added that he is also looking forward to spending more time with his cousin, Tina, at his sister Arti Singh’s house, where the family plans to gather soon.
The long-standing feud
The tensions between Govinda and Krushna have been widely publicized over the years. Their feud escalated when Govinda took offense to some of the jokes Krushna made at his expense during comedy shows. Govinda’s wife, Sunita, further distanced herself from Krushna and Kashmera, accusing them of disrespectful behavior. Sunita had previously vowed never to speak to the couple again, which caused a major rift between the two families.
Despite the years of silence, Krushna and Govinda’s reconciliation began earlier this year at Krushna’s sister Arti Singh’s wedding, where Govinda and his son Yashvardhan attended. Now, with the accident serving as an unexpected turning point, it seems the family is slowly rebuilding its bond.
Krushna’s visits to Govinda’s home and their warm reunion signal a new chapter in their relationship, offering hope that the two families can continue to heal and reconnect.