Legal & Privacy

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Legal and Privacy Policy

Terms of Service

Welcome to Westferry Times. By accessing or using our website, you agree to comply with and be bound by the following terms and conditions of use. If you disagree with any part of these terms, please do not use our website.

  1. Content: The content on Westferry Times is for general information and entertainment purposes only. We reserve the right to modify or discontinue any part of the website without notice at any time.

  2. Copyright: All content on this website is the property of Westferry Times unless otherwise stated. You may not reproduce, distribute, or transmit any portion of the content without prior written permission.

  3. Accuracy: While we strive to provide accurate and up-to-date information, we make no representations or warranties of any kind, express or implied, about the completeness, accuracy, reliability, suitability, or availability of the information, products, services, or related graphics contained on the website.

  4. Links: Our website may contain links to third-party websites. These links are provided for your convenience only. We have no control over the content or availability of these sites and do not endorse any products, services, or opinions expressed on them.

  5. User Conduct: You agree to use Westferry Times only for lawful purposes and in a manner that does not infringe on the rights of others or inhibit their use of the website.

Privacy Policy

At Westferry Times, we are committed to protecting your privacy. This Privacy Policy outlines how we collect, use, and disclose information when you visit our website.

  1. Information Collection: We may collect personal information such as your name and email address when you subscribe to our newsletter or submit comments on articles. We also collect non-personal information such as IP addresses and browser type for analytical purposes.

  2. Use of Information: We may use the information we collect to improve our website, send you newsletters or promotional emails, respond to your inquiries, or customize your experience on the site.

  3. Disclosure of Information: We do not sell, trade, or otherwise transfer your personal information to outside parties without your consent. However, we may share information with trusted third parties who assist us in operating our website or conducting our business.

  4. Cookies: We use cookies to enhance your browsing experience and gather information about how you use our website. You can choose to accept or decline cookies through your browser settings.

  5. Security: We take appropriate measures to protect the security of your personal information. However, we cannot guarantee the absolute security of data transmitted over the internet.

  6. Children’s Privacy: Westferry Times is not intended for children under the age of 13, and we do not knowingly collect personal information from children.

Changes to this Policy

We reserve the right to update or change our Terms of Service and Privacy Policy at any time. Any changes will be effective immediately upon posting on this page. Your continued use of the website after any such modifications constitutes your acceptance of the revised policies.

If you have any questions about our legal and privacy practices, please contact us at