Ministers often feel they are accountable for everything that happens in their department, yet responsible for nothing. Government departments are vast, complex organisations, often employing tens of thousands of people. Every day, essential services are delivered without much public recognition—tax is collected, benefits are paid, borders are secured, the military is supported, and prisons are managed. But when something goes wrong, it’s the ministers who take the heat.
It’s a tough job, especially in today’s world of relentless 24/7 media scrutiny. Things go wrong for a multitude of reasons, and while the civil service cannot and should not be exempt from criticism, it is in a uniquely vulnerable position. Civil servants are unable to defend themselves publicly, as they are barred from speaking to the press without ministerial consent. Their role is to provide ministers with the best professional, evidence-based advice. Once a minister makes a decision—whether it aligns with that advice or not—civil servants must get on with implementing it.
This means that when things go awry, civil servants cannot turn around and say, “I told you so,” even if they had warned against a particular course of action. Even when appearing before parliamentary committees, they are bound by confidentiality and cannot reveal the advice they gave. This places a responsibility on ministers to be measured in their public statements about the civil service.
A growing trend of criticism
Despite this, the temptation for ministers to blame the civil service is nothing new. Government is difficult, and large-scale operations will inevitably encounter challenges. Unlike in the private sector, where failures are often kept behind closed doors, government missteps play out in full public view.
In recent years, however, this blame game has intensified. Brexit was a significant turning point. Many Brexit-supporting politicians accused the civil service of being part of an obstructive “establishment” and blamed it for delays and difficulties in implementing the referendum result. When Boris Johnson became Prime Minister, this antagonistic approach escalated. Suddenly, ministers were openly briefing the press about the supposed failings of the civil service. Civil servants were labelled as “woke,” “lazy,” or even actively working against government policy.
At one point, a national newspaper ran a hit list of senior civil servants it deemed to be “remainers,” crossing a line that should never have been approached, let alone normalised. It became common to see anonymous briefings undermining the very institutions responsible for delivering government policy. While not all ministers engaged in this, those who did were rarely challenged by their colleagues. Many civil servants began to express frustration, telling us: “I’m tired of being thanked in private and criticised in public.”
The damage of a broken relationship
This rhetoric is not just unfair—it is damaging. Constantly attacking the civil service erodes public confidence in it and deters talented professionals from joining. Why would someone from the private sector, earning a significantly higher salary, trade that security for a job where they risk having their reputation dragged through the mud if it suits a minister’s political agenda?
Labour’s victory was supposed to signal a change. Yet, just weeks into office, there are worrying signs that this government is being drawn into the same playbook. Prime Minister Keir Starmer has already made comments about too many civil servants being “comfortable in the tepid bath of managed decline”—a phrase that is as vague as it is unhelpful. Last week, headlines suggested that ministers want to make it easier to sack civil servants.
It is true that the civil service, like any organisation, must be held accountable. It must be efficient, responsive, and adaptable. But a government that genuinely wants to drive change should focus on inspiring and empowering its workforce, not alienating it. Ministers are not just leaders of the country—they are leaders of the civil service, the very institution that delivers their policies.
Lessons from the past
The last government’s strategy of vilifying the civil service did not end well. It led to low morale, an exodus of experienced professionals, and a government that struggled to function effectively. If Labour follows the same path, it will face similar consequences.
Good governance is not about chasing headlines. It is about building trust, fostering collaboration, and ensuring that the civil service is motivated to deliver. If this government truly wants to succeed, it must move away from the culture of blame and towards one of leadership. Otherwise, it risks undermining not just the civil service, but public confidence in government itself. And we all know how that ends.