Reported by The Nations News
While Kuwait’s Deputy Prime Minister Sheikh Fahad Yusuf Saud Al-Sabah has condemned the fire that exploded in an installation housing employees in the Kuwaiti city of Mangaf on “greedy real estate developers,” the burden for the catastrophe goes far past that.
The fire took the lives of at least 41 people. Many more are facing severe injuries. This accident needs a deep scan of analysis and required answerability beyond accusing unnamed property developers conveniently.
Many migrated employees from South Asia to the Middle East, especially many from Gulf countries, have always been showing with embittered goblets. On one side, they exit unemployment and deprivation in their states and have a target at deprivation for themselves and their families through abroad remittances. On the next side, particularly for those in building and other hard work, are behaved like animals, narrowed apartments, bounded facilities, and deficiency of proper protected tools.
They are separated in particular living areas and are frequently protected from exiting them without proper confidentiality. . Such situations are not outcomes of persons property developers and separated employees Such conditions are not the result of individual property developers or isolated employers twisting the ordinances; they are a derivative of the regulations being featured in this particular method.
In countries, famous for their stringent law enforcement and demanding documentary demands for every construction enterprise, ensuring submission with making protective regulations should not be hard at all.
Additionally, migrant worker’s death in the Gulf states has accessed the threat counts, even if it particular accident is discounted. The Gulf countries must do a lot to strive to secure workers who construct and run their glass cities in deserts.
However, Pakistan, along with other South Asian States, must struggle to catch their Gulf counterparts to make suitable works and provide answerability.