The article discusses the surge in migrant arrivals in Europe, particularly via the West African and central Mediterranean routes, despite efforts to curb irregular migration. Despite the dangers, migrants continue to go on board on treacherous journeys, seeking refuge and opportunities. EU funding intended to manage migration is instead being used to delay and expel migrants, leading to human rights violations and deaths.
Migrants are forcibly transported to distant desert areas without necessities, and collective expulsion operations are intended for dumping dozens of migrants at a time in these areas. The article discusses that EU policies have inadvertently fueled the migrant-smuggling industry, with smugglers abusing sophisticated methods to bypass security measures.
The author mentioned the grim reality of migrant journeys, including detention in unofficial camps, abuse, torture, and abandonment in desert expanses. The EU’s approach has also raised border security, driving up the demand for smugglers and their risky networks.
The article calls for a recalibration of the EU approach, focusing on addressing the root causes of displacement, investing in capacity building, sustainable economic development, and climate adaptation in countries of origin and transit. The author also assures the creation of viable pathways for legal migration, such as visa schemes, to deter dangerous crossings managed by smugglers and traffickers. European nations should recalibrate their approach and focus on why people undertake these desperate journeys in the first place.
The article concludes that the current EU approach is self-defeating, badly affecting the crisis it desires to manage. The author prompted European nations to reconsider their strategy, prioritizing human rights, dignity, and sustainable solutions over border reinforcement and detention. By doing so, Europe can arrange its migration policies with its values and long-term geopolitical aims, creating an irrepressible and cooperative regional environment that lessens the imperative for migration.
By Arab news