The Gujarat High Court has granted permission for Narayan Sai, the son of rape convict Asaram Babu, to meet his ailing father, who is currently lodged in Jodhpur Central Jail. The court order comes in light of concerns over Asaram Babu’s deteriorating health. Asaram, who has been suffering from multiple illnesses, has been frequently hospitalized during his time in custody.
Narayan Sai, himself serving a life sentence in Surat Central Jail for a separate rape conviction, had filed a petition seeking permission to meet his father, citing his declining health. The Gujarat High Court, in response, passed an order allowing Sai to meet Asaram for a duration of four hours under strict supervision.
Petition highlights health concerns
Rajen Jadhav, the advocate representing Narayan Sai, highlighted the medical issues plaguing Asaram Babu. According to Jadhav, Asaram has been battling several long-term health conditions, which have necessitated multiple hospital visits. These health concerns formed the basis of the petition, as Narayan Sai sought to visit his father, believing it to be crucial given Asaram’s fragile state.
“The petition we filed in the Gujarat High Court was focused on the deteriorating health of Asaram Babu, who has been suffering from numerous diseases for an extended period,” said Jadhav. “Given his medical condition, we requested that Narayan Sai be allowed to meet his father.”
Court’s decision and conditions
In its ruling, the Gujarat High Court stipulated several conditions for the meeting. Narayan Sai will be escorted from Surat Central Jail to Jodhpur Central Jail, where he will be permitted to meet Asaram for a total of four hours. The court ordered that officers, including an ACP, will accompany Narayan Sai throughout the visit to ensure that all protocols are adhered to as per the court’s instructions.
Additionally, the court directed Narayan Sai to deposit INR 5 lakh to cover the expenses associated with the transfer and supervision. Advocate Rajen Jadhav confirmed this, stating, “The court ordered that Narayan Sai would be allowed to meet his father in Jodhpur Central Jail for four hours, and he will be accompanied by officers. The expenses related to the travel and other arrangements, amounting to INR 5 lakh, are to be borne by the applicant.”
Background on Asaram and Narayan Sai’s convictions
Asaram Babu has been in custody since September 2013, following his arrest in Indore. He was subsequently moved to Jodhpur after a teenage girl accused him of rape at his ashram in that same year. In 2018, a special court in Jodhpur found Asaram guilty of sexual assault, including the rape of a minor girl. He was sentenced to life imprisonment for his crimes.
Narayan Sai, Asaram’s son, also faces a similar conviction. In 2013, while Asaram was accused of rape by one of the sisters from Surat, Narayan Sai was accused by the younger sister. Sai was found guilty of rape and sentenced to life imprisonment in 2019. The father-son duo, once spiritual leaders with a large following, are now both serving life sentences for their crimes.
Reactions to the court’s decision
The decision by the Gujarat High Court to allow Narayan Sai to visit his father has garnered attention, given the high-profile nature of both Asaram and Narayan Sai’s convictions. Asaram, once a revered spiritual figure with millions of followers, fell from grace after multiple sexual assault allegations surfaced against him and his ashram.
The court’s decision, while focusing on humanitarian grounds due to Asaram’s health, also reflects the legal procedures in place for convicts wishing to visit family members. The authorities will ensure that all conditions, including security and supervision, are maintained during the visit to prevent any misuse of the privilege.
The Gujarat High Court’s decision to allow Narayan Sai to meet his father Asaram Babu reflects the judiciary’s balance between upholding legal protocol and recognizing humanitarian needs. Asaram’s deteriorating health was a key factor in the ruling, permitting the father-son duo to meet for the first time in several years, albeit under stringent conditions. With both individuals serving life sentences for their crimes, the meeting will occur under heavy security and close supervision, ensuring compliance with the court’s orders.