Reform UK leader Nigel Farage has fiercely criticised the Government’s proposed smoking ban, likening it to the puritanical policies of Oliver Cromwell. Speaking in the House of Commons as MPs debated the Tobacco and Vapes Bill, Mr Farage denounced what he described as “moral superiority” in Parliament and warned against the rise of a black market in tobacco.
Farage defends personal freedom
During the Bill’s report stage, the Clacton MP made a spirited defence of personal choice, arguing that the Government should not dictate lifestyle decisions to the public.
“I have to say, I find the tone of moral superiority in this chamber this afternoon almost unbearable,” Mr Farage said.
“You clearly believe you are better human beings than those outside of here who choose to pursue activities that you perhaps would not.”
He went on to emphasise that many Britons still enjoy smoking, drinking, and gambling, despite increasing Government restrictions.
“There are some of us that like a smoke. We do. We even go for a few pints at a pub. We have a punt on the horses. I even attempted to have the odd doughnut – I know that’s really perhaps the naughtiest of all,” he quipped.
Farage accused MPs of trying to control personal freedoms, invoking the historical legacy of Oliver Cromwell’s strict rule in the 17th century.
“Because we want to have fun. We want to make our own minds up. You can educate us. You can tell us. You can give us the facts. But the idea that this place should make those decisions for other people, well, it sort of shows me that the spirit of Oliver Cromwell is alive and well.”
Concerns over two-tier Britain
Mr Farage also criticised the Bill’s plan to create a smoke-free generation by banning the sale of tobacco to anyone born after 1 January 2009. Under the proposed law, those born before this date would still be able to buy cigarettes, while those younger would be permanently restricted.
“The idea that from 2009 nobody could buy tobacco products, but those born in 2010 could not, is just another aspect to two-tier Britain,” he argued.
He warned that such restrictions would not stop smoking but would instead drive the trade underground, leading to increased criminal activity.
“I’ve been hearing for decades that there’ll be a war on drugs. Where’s it getting us? Drug use is rocketing, Class A drugs in particular, proliferating everywhere, with all the associated crime.”
Farage pointed out that tobacco prices had already soared, making illicit cigarettes an increasingly attractive option.
“An ounce of tobacco is now more expensive in a shop if purchased legally, believe it or not, than an ounce of silver. And so already we have a rocketing trade in illegal cigarettes and loose tobacco.”
Warnings of a black market boom
Urging MPs to reconsider the Bill, Mr Farage cautioned against inadvertently empowering criminal networks.
“Do not drive tobacco into the hands of the criminals. Do not create a new black market. I totally agree with the minister—this is not an activity we should encourage. We’re not keen for our kids to do it, but please treat us as grown-ups. Educate us. Let us make our choices. Don’t let the criminals win.”
Before delivering his remarks, Mr Farage declared an interest as the co-founder of Action on World Health, an organisation advocating for the reform or replacement of the World Health Organisation (WHO).
Support for the bill from Labour and conservatives
While Mr Farage’s speech was met with support from some corners, others in Parliament firmly backed the smoking ban. Labour MP for Worthing West, Dr Beccy Cooper, dismissed his arguments, emphasising that the Bill was rooted in scientific evidence rather than personal opinion.
“The premise of public health is data and evidence, and so opinions are interesting. Opinions can have great colour to a conversation. Opinions can have great characters. But data and evidence in public health will ultimately deliver better population health outcomes,” she said.
Dr Cooper stressed that banning tobacco sales to younger generations would prevent addiction and save lives.
“This public health bill is a public health bill that will stop people dying and will take away the addictive nature of a substance that is not a choice.”
Concerns from conservative MPs
Meanwhile, Conservative MP for South Holland and The Deepings, Sir John Hayes, joined Farage in criticising the Bill, warning that it could lead to unintended consequences.
“In our post-spiritual, or at least post-religious age, two phenomena are evident when God is forgotten and faith declines,” he said.
“It’s not that people believe in nothing, as GK Chesterton said, they believe in anything, and they find new crusades.”
He argued that the campaign against smoking had become overly zealous while more dangerous substances were being overlooked.
“The curious paradox is that whilst cocaine is widely available, and I am told de rigueur among certain elements of the urban liberal elite, smokers are now seen as heretics.”
A divisive debate
The debate over the Tobacco and Vapes Bill has exposed a clear divide in Parliament, with some MPs championing public health initiatives while others warn against creeping Government overreach.
As the Bill progresses through Parliament, the Government will need to balance its goal of reducing smoking rates with concerns over civil liberties and the rise of illicit tobacco sales. With figures like Nigel Farage leading the charge against the ban, the fight over personal freedoms versus public health is unlikely to end any time soon.